North Cyprus House Ads

You can search for your real estate purchases or rentals through North Cyprus house postings. You can view the house ads in different parts of Northern Cyprus; You can apply filtering in terms of price and some features.

North Cyprus Kyrenia House Listings 2020

North Cyprus house ads are quite high for Kyrenia. You can list the ads for any type of property you want. Prices for an average apartment in the Kyrenia region vary between 55 thousand and 70 thousand on the west side, while prices for the central Kyrenia are between 45 thousand and 110 thousand pounds. Girne’s eastern axis house ads are in the range of 60 thousand to 110 thousand pounds. When looking at the Central Kyrenia house advertisements, luxury house prices start from an average of 85 thousand pounds and up to 450 thousand pounds. Luxury standard can be distinguished for Kyrenia villa advertisements. Standard villa prices in West Kyrenia start from £ 180 thousand. The upper price is £ 275 thousand on average.

Kyrenia center standard villa prices are between 180 thousand and 375 thousand pounds. The range of villa prices in East Kyrenia is between 120 thousand and 250 thousand pounds. Kyrenia monthly flat rental prices are between £ 270-1000, while rental prices for villas are between £ 600 and £ 2,000.

North Cyprus Famagusta House Listings 2020

You can also search the young and dynamic city of GaziMagusa for the North Cyprus house postings. It is one of the cities where both the people who want to sit and the investors show great interest. Standard GaziMagusa flats start from 40 thousand on average and go up to 75 thousand. It is also among the places where students live intensely due to universities. Rental prices range from £ 250 to £ 450. Villa rental prices are between £ 400-800 a month. If GaziMagusa villas are standard features, they are offered for sale starting from an average of 70 thousand pounds. The average villa price is £ 120 thousand. The starting price of luxury villa sales is generally £ 250 thousand. Villa prices vary up to £ 350 thousand.

North Cyprus Iskele House Listings 2020

North Cyprus house postings are also intense at İskele. Luxury villa prices in Iskele start from £ 175,000 and go up to £ 250,000. Average villa prices vary between £ 80-95 thousand.
Pier Long Beach postings are particularly popular. Scaffolding is developing rapidly in terms of summer houses and site constructions. Standard flat prices start from £ 30,000 to £ 60,000. Luxury apartments for sale prices start from £ 60 thousand and increase to £ 150 thousand. Looking at the house advertisements in the Iskele region, monthly rental income is between £ 300 and £ 450. Rental fees are based on the number of rooms, location, view, age of the building, etc. may vary by.

North Cyprus Nicosia and Morphou House Listings 2020

North Cyprus house advertisements are also common in Nicosia and Güzelyurt. Güzelyurt is the least vibrant city in the real estate market. The opening of a new university has given Güzelyurt action.Looking at the Güzelyurt house advertisements, it is seen that the average flat price starts from 40 thousand and changes up to around 65-70 thousand. Monthly rental fee is 1.500 TL. (Average) If you want to rent an apartment in Nicosia, the prices start from £ 200 and go up to £ 450. Those who want to rent a villa pay an average of 550 pounds. The average upper limit for rents in this region is £ 900.

North Cyprus House Ad Search

The filtering method offers you great convenience when searching for North Cyprus house ads. You can make preferences regarding the real estate properties you are looking for from certain areas. For example, you can mark what you want in the areas of sale / rental, residential type (Villa, apartment, studio, twin villa, residence, bungalow, detached house, etc.), residential / land / commercial real estate, city, region. Photos are usually uploaded to the site in detail.

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